Im painting all the wall in a soft cream colour how do i stop this paint from getting on the ceiling Ive used masking tape on the ceiling but it just peels the white paint off the ceiling leaveing me to paint it again CAN ANYONE ADVISE MEWhat is the best way to paint all the wall without putting the paint on the ceiling?
be careful - use a smaller brush at the topWhat is the best way to paint all the wall without putting the paint on the ceiling?
use a brush to paint carefully along the top of the wall to form a border then use a roller to do the rest of the wall
The secret is using a very good quality paint brush and carefully painting along the edge up to the other colour
It takes time and patience , If you buy good quality brushes and make sure you clean them properly after each usage they will last for years
Once you have done all you edges etc you can then complete all the bulk painting with a good roller .
Happy painting !!
use a thin bit of card and rest it in the crack of wall and ceiling and paint agaoinst it that should help
Painters tape you can buy at where they sell paint. But one thing to make sure is let the paint dry really good and more than when you are usually told that it has already done drying so it get clean finishes because if it doesn't dry correctly where the tape is, the paint will tear off with the tape.
You have to use a brush to 'cut in' before you start using a roller ! Get a decent pure bristle brush (2';) and firstly 'outline' your walls painting a careful line between ceiling and wall giving an outline the width of a roller to avoid roller touching ceiling ! Also use brush for all corners, skirting's and around light/socket fixtures, use masking tape around fixtures if you've not got steady hand. Decorating is 80 % preparation once you've done this your roller will finish the job in no time ! Good Luck !
Use Painter's tape on the perimeter of the room and when you have done painting ,there wont be any paint on the ceiling.
Buy a tube of cling film.Cut it in three.Stick it to ceiling.Paint and then remove.Worked for me.
You can buy brushes especially made for such purposes, instead of being square edged they are tapered on one corner.
Don't use masking tape, use painters tape....available anywhere paint is sold.
But some Painters Tape (blue) across the top of the wall were it meets the ceiling. You shouldn't have any problems.
You shouldn't have to use tape. make sure you have a damp cloth with you and wipe off any touches straight away.
you have to practice 'cutting in' and the easiest brush to use is an American brush called a purdy - it's a really good quality synthetic brush, not cheap or you could try a synthetic hamilton brush - this type is easiest for beginners and use a 2'; brush wash it out in warm water as soon as you have finished and it will last forever.
the type of paint used and when you remove the tape is key; use ';painter's'; tape ... it doesn't have such a strong glue; and peel it off immediately after cutting in around the top edge of the wall; it should not remove paint from the ceiling
although, if it does, your ceiling should be repainted. most people don't realize that painting the walls and not the ceilings leaves a slightly aged and dingy look to a room. Good luck to you.
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